Performance Freeride / Big Air
5, 6, 7, 9, 10, 11, 12, 14
5 Struts, Hybrid-Design, Fusion-Wingtip-Shape, Draft-Forward-Profil
Die Kombination aus Style, Power, Performance und Handwerkskunst macht den Switchblade zum perfekten Kite für anspruchsvolle Rider – unerreichte Kontrollierbarkeit und kompromisslose Highend-Performance inklusive.
NEU: Bridle-Konfiguration für präziseres Flugverhalten
NEU: Keramik-Pulleys – einzigartig simpel, sicher und strapazierfähig
Strapazierfähige Schließnähte
Nano Ripstop Canopy – die Benchmark in Sachen Robustheit, Stabilität und Reaktivität
High Tenacity Dacron verbessert Profilstabilität und Handling
Strategisch platzierte Tuchverstärkungen an Bereichen mit erhöhter Belastung
Pure Profile Panels für effiziente Aerodynamik
Ultimative Performance in verschiedensten Bedingungen und Disziplinen
Unübertroffene Sprungkraft und Hangtime
Großer Sweet-Spot-Bereich und gleichmäßige Kraftentfaltung auf Abruf
Exzellente Höhelaufeigenschaften
Gerundete Leading Edge für einfachen Relaunch
Kein Schirm hat die Kitebranche mehr geprägt als der Switchblade. Ein serienmäßig produzierter Kite, der nicht nur Unmengen von Menschen zu diesem Sport gebracht hat, sondern auch Profis die perfekte Plattform bietet, ihre Leistung laufend zu pushen – bis hin zu zahlreichen Weltmeistertiteln, Weltrekorden und Podiumsplatzierungen.
Im Rahmen der 02-Kollektion haben wir dem Switchblade einen weiteren Performance-Boost verpasst. Die überarbeitete, umstrukturierte Bridle sorgt für noch leichteres Fluggefühl und schnelleres Drehverhalten. Ein leichterer, schnellerer Kite lässt einfacher steuern, bietet bessere Kontrolle bei Sprüngen und ist vielseitiger einsetzbar. Sein stabiler 5-Strut-Rahmen macht den Switchblade vor allem in hohen Windbereichen zum Star – hier kommen sein legendärer Boost und die Hangtime am besten zur Geltung.
Contra 1S
Performance Lightwind / Freeride
3, 4, 5, 7, 9, 11
1 Strut, Hybrid-Design, Low-Drag-Wingtips, Draft-Forward-Profil
Unsere reaktionsschnelle, leistungsstarke Leichtwind-Waffe, die selbst aus windschwachen Tagen das Beste herausholt.
Leichtes 1-Strut-Design
Strapazierfähige Schließnähte
Nano Ripstop Canopy – die Benchmark in Sachen Robustheit, Stabilität und Reaktivität
High Tenacity Dacron verbessert Profilstabilität und Handling
Strategisch platzierte Tuchverstärkungen an Bereichen mit erhöhter Belastung
Pure Profile Panels für effiziente Aerodynamik
Agile, reaktionsschnelle Steuerung für optimierte Kraftentfaltung
Hervorragende Drifteigenschaften und Lenkreaktion auch bei wenig Power
Müheloser Relaunch, selbst bei sehr wenig Wind
Die 1-Strut-Version des Contra hat sich unter den Leichtwind-Freeride-Kites schnell einen Namen gemacht. Ein Schirm, der in keiner Range fehlen sollte.
Durch das Single-Strut-Design ist der Kite leichter und wendiger, so dass selbst kleine Größen ausreichen, um volles Foil-Potential zu genießen. Federleichte Kontrolle und überragende Drifteigenschaften ermöglichen niedrige Anstellwinkel beim Foilen, während die Spannung der Backlines auch bei Depower hohe Steuerimpulse liefert.
Egal, ob mit Twintip, Surfboard oder Foilboard – das neue Contra-Design bietet Leichtwind-Performance der Extraklasse.
Contra 3S
Performance Lightwind / Freeride
13, 15, 17
3 Struts, Hybrid-Design, Low-Drag-Wingtips, Draft-Forward-Profil
Unsere reaktionsschnelle, leistungsstarke Leichtwind-Waffe, die selbst aus windschwachen Tagen das Beste herausholt.
Strapazierfähige Schließnähte
Nano Ripstop Canopy – die Benchmark in Sachen Robustheit, Stabilität und Reaktivität
High Tenacity Dacron verbessert Profilstabilität und Handling
Strategisch platzierte Tuchverstärkungen an Bereichen mit erhöhter Belastung
Pure Profile Panels für effiziente Aerodynamik
Agile, reaktionsschnelle Steuerung für optimierte Kraftentfaltung
Präzisierte Lowend-Performance für noch besseres Höhelaufen
Müheloser Relaunch, selbst bei sehr wenig Wind
Die Geschichte des Contra reicht bis ins Jahr 2003 zurück. Seitdem steht er für unerreichte Leichtwind-Performance und maximale Zeit auf dem Wasser – nicht umsonst zählt er mittlerweile zum Standard-Repertoire vieler Kiter.
Mit einem ultimativen Mix aus Leichtwind-Power und Schnelligkeit führt die neue Generation des Contra sein Erbe fort. Der gestützte 3-Strut-Rahmen verbessert sowohl Tuchstabilität als auch Highend-Range und liefert nicht nur in Kombination mit traditionellen Kiteboards satten Vortrieb. Somit ist endloser Spaß garantiert – selbst bei der leichtesten Brise.
Sizes: 3 / 4 / 5 / 7 / 9 / 11
Um die legendäre Performance des Contra auch beim Foilen genießen zu können, haben wir unsere Contra-Range in dieser Saison erweitert.
Die neue Single-Strut-Version des Contra überzeugt durch Effizienz, Vielseitigkeit und federleichte Kontrolle. Durch das 1-Strut-Konzept ist der Kite leichter und agiler – für volles Foil-Potential können somit kleinere Größen eingesetzt werden.
Die überragenden Drifteigenschaften des 1-Strut-Contra ermöglichen niedrige Anstellwinkel beim Foilen. Selbst bei Depower sorgt die Spannung der Backlines für erhöhte Steuerimpulse.
Egal, ob mit Twintip, Surfboard oder Foilboard – das neue Contra-Design bietet Leichtwind-Performance der Extraklasse.
DESIGN PROFILE1 Strut, Hybrid-Design, Low-Drag-Wingtips, Draft-Forward-Profil
NEU Leichtes 1-Strut-Design
Strapazierfähige Schließnähte
Nano Ripstop Canopy – die Benchmark in Sachen Robustheit, Stabilität und ReaktivitätHigh Tenacity Dacron verbessert Profilstabilität und Handling
Strategisch platzierte Tuchverstärkungen an Bereichen mit erhöhter Belastung
Pure Profile Panels für effiziente Aerodynamik
Agile, leichte Steuerung für optimale Kraftentfaltung
Müheloser Relaunch, selbst bei sehr wenig Wind
SIZES: 5 / 6 / 7 / 8 / 9 / 10 / 11 / 12 / 14
The kite that spawned the freeride revolution of kitesurfing and opened up the doors to many new kiters around the world moves into its 16th year and the next step of evolution to this incredibly versatile design.
The introduction of the Hybrid Frame and HTD Lite materials has increased not only the range of one of the most adaptable kites in the industry, but also, it’s performance. Through the lighter frame and strategically placed materials, the kite is now quicker to respond to rider input allowing for not only increased maneuverability in lighter winds, but also control and responsiveness in higher winds.
The new direct bridle with its low drag materials also help move this kite into an all new realm of performance.
Disgn Profile:
5 Strut, Hybrid design, Fusion wing tip shape, Draft forward profile.
NEW: Refined lightweight canopy design for reduced weight and reactive performance
NEW: Static low elongation bridle for improved reactive feel
NEW: Sprint 3.0
NEW: Ultralite bladders for an overall lighter weight kite
NEW: Trailing edge EVA rigidity battens
Nano Ripstop Canopy: Durability, stability and responsiveness
HTD for enhanced arc stability and improved handling characteristics
HTD Hybrid Frame
NEW: Durable TPU leading edge bumpers.
Versatile Freeride / Crossover
5, 6, 7, 9, 10, 12, 14
3 Struts, Hybrid-Design mit moderater Aspect Ratio (Streckung), reaktive Wingtips, schnell, schlankes und effizientes Profil
Ein vielseitiger, einfach kontrollierbarer Kite, der in sämtlichen Styles und Bedingungen performt.
Strapazierfähige Schließnähte
Nano Ripstop Canopy – die Benchmark in Sachen Robustheit, Stabilität und Reaktivität
Pure Arc Segments – höhere Anzahl an Leading-Edge-Segmenten für ein sanft geschwungenes, präzises, aerodynamisches Profil
Pure Profile Panels für effiziente Aerodynamik
Strategisch platzierte Tuchverstärkungen an Bereichen mit erhöhter Belastung
High Tenacity Dacron verbessert Profilstabilität und Handling
Perfekt für die Disziplinen Freeride, Surf, Freestyle und Foilen
Direkte, reaktive Steuerung und Feedback
Geringe Halte- und Steuerkräfte
Leichtes 3-Strut-Design
Ganz egal, bei welchen Bedingungen oder für welche Disziplin – der Moto ist der vielseitigste Kite unseres Portfolios, der einfach alles mitmacht. Mit der einzigartigen Kombination aus Pure Arc Segments und Pure Profile Segments liefert er das geschmeidigste, klarste Profil des Marktes. Das Resultat: einfaches Handling, direkte Rückmeldung und unglaublich sauberes Flugverhalten.
Ob mit Twintip, Surfboard oder Hydrofoil – der Moto ist der ultimative Alleskönner der Cabrinha-Range.
SIZES: 13 / 15 / 17
20 years ago, the Contra took light wind riding to a new level. It has graced the quivers of many kiters throughout the past two decades acting either as their all-round everyday kite, or as the ultimate session saver.
This year sees the largest evolution to the Contra legacy.
Through the use of HTD Lite and the Lite Frame technology we have been able to reduce the weight of the kite by 15%, allowing it to perform even better in those threshold winds.
The three-strut design makes this kite the go to for light wind twin tip riding, and also makes it the best jumping light wind kite we have ever developed.
NEW: Refined lightweight canopy design for reduced weight and reactive performance
NEW: Sprint 3.0
NEW: Ultralite bladders for an overall lighter weight kite
NEW: Trailing edge EVA rigidity battens
Nano Ripstop Canopy, the benchmark in durability, stability and responsiveness
NEW: HTD Lite: Lightweight ultra rigid Dacron
NEW: Durable TPU Leading edge bumpers
Pure profile panels for efficient aerodynamics
Agile and responsive steering for increased power delivery
Refined low end performance for better upwind ability
Effortless relaunch in the lightest of wind conditions
Freestyle / Crossover
7, 8, 9, 11, 13
3 Struts, modifizierter C-Shape, gerundete Wingtips, moderate Aspect Ratio (Streckung), Freestyle-Profil, 3 Bridle-Setting-Optionen, 6-Line-Setup (separat erhältlich) – [NEUES DESIGN]
Perfekt für Rider, die zwischen ein- und ausgehakten Freestyle-Tricks wechseln bzw. hohe Sprünge und Kiteloops lieben.
Strapazierfähige Schließnähte
Nano Ripstop Canopy – die Benchmark in Sachen Robustheit, Stabilität und Reaktivität
High Tenacity Dacron verbessert Profilstabilität und Handling
Strategisch platzierte Tuchverstärkungen an Bereichen mit erhöhter Belastung
Pure Profile Panels für effiziente Aerodynamik
Pulley-freie Bridles für direkteren Steuerimpuls und besseres Feedback
Geringe Haltekräfte, direkte und reaktive Steuerung
Explosiver Pop und Slack für Freestyle-Tricks
Satter Vortrieb und rasches Wiederauffangen bei Kiteloops
Harmonische Kraftentfaltung mit exzellenter Depower
6-Line-Freestyle-Setup (separat erhältlich)
So wie jede Medaille zwei Seiten hat, findet man diese auch beim neuen FX2.
Basierend auf seinen Freestyle-Genen haben wir dem FX ein komplett neues Design verliehen, das die Performance in Richtung Big Air noch weiter verbessert. Der FX2 liefert Höhen und Hangtimes wie nie zuvor, loopt kraftvoll und schnell und fängt dich auf dem Weg nach unten sicher wieder auf. Eine revolutionäre Flugmaschine, die dich in neue Levels boostet.
Um die traditionelle Freestyle-Crossover-Performance des FX nach wie vor nutzen zu können, haben wir ein 6-Line-Bridle-System entwickelt, das für mehr C-Kite-Feeling sorgt. So wird er zum perfekten Partner für neue Tricks und Podiumsplatzierungen.
SIZES: 6 / 7 / 8 / 9 / 10 / 12
Last year we introduced the big air evolution of the Nitro to the kite market, and it delivered.
One of the most anticipated kites, grasped the kite world by the horns and took riders to all new heights.
For 04 the Nitro is back again and through the work of the Cabrinha International Big Air team and the crew at Design Works, we have taken yet again another evolutionary jump forwards.
Refined profiles to help maintain canopy support during extreme tricks and the new 7 point Apex bridle gives the riders the support and confidence they need to not only do the tricks, but to also provide them with the feedback they need through the bar during the tricks.
The ultimate wingman, the new Nitro will not only help you go to the next level but will also be there with you for the ride of your life.
5 strut, high sweep, high aspect, hybrid strut.
ULTRA HT - Strong, stable and responsive material, exclusive to the Apex series
NEW - Featherlite bladders
NEW - Increased top end range, stability and hang time
NEW - Apex Bridle - thinner and lower elongation bridle for optimal efficiency and reactive steering.
NEW - Optimized airfoil for increased lift and stability during increased angles of attack
NEW - Bi-directional pure profile panels
Sprint 3.0
Trailing edge EVA rigidity battens
Nano ripstop canopy: Durability, stability and responsiveness
Durable TPU leading edge bumpers
Surf / Freestyle Surf
4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13
3 Struts, Hybrid-Design mit moderater Aspect Ratio (Streckung), Surf-/Drift-Wingtip-Design, 2 Bridle-Setting-Optionen
Der Drifter vereint Style, Power, Performance und Handwerkskunst – der perfekte Partner für Kiter, die auf einzigartige Kontrollierbarkeit und kompromisslose Highend-Performance setzen.
NEU: Keramik-Pulleys – einzigartig simpel, sicher und strapazierfähig
Strapazierfähige Schließnähte
Nano Ripstop Canopy – die Benchmark in Sachen Robustheit, Stabilität und Reaktivität
High Tenacity Dacron verbessert Profilstabilität und Handling
Strategisch platzierte Tuchverstärkungen an Bereichen mit erhöhter Belastung
Pure Profile Panels für effiziente Aerodynamik
Slackline-Drift zum “Down the line”-Surfen
Geringe Haltekräfte, direkte und reaktive Steuerung
Exzellenter Pop für Strapless-Freestyle-Tricks
Spezielle Settings für Offshore- und Onshore-Bedingungen
Schnelles Anpowern bzw. Depowern
Der Drifter ist der weltweit legendärste Surfkite – und das aus gutem Grund. Wie der Name schon sagt: Er ist der Inbegriff von Driftstabilität. Ein Terminus, der auch bei anderen Marken oft auftaucht, in dieser Form aber kaum erreicht wird. Er lässt sich mühelos und schnell an- bzw. depowern – je nachdem, ob du gerade Kiteunterstützung brauchst oder die Welle abreitest.
Sizes: 5 / 6 / 7 / 8 / 9 / 10 / 12 / 14
Der neu überarbeitete 01 Moto überzeugt mit einer Extraportion Antrieb, generiert Schubkraft noch müheloser als zuvor.
Auch die Fähigkeit des Kites, nach oben zu „klettern“, wurde wesentlich verbessert.
Das Resultat: Ein Performance-Freerider mit unendlich klarem Handling, direkter Reaktion und Kontrollierbarkeit. Die verbesserten Vortriebseigenschaften desneuen Moto basieren auf einer Überarbeitung des Profils sowie auf einer Reduktion des Conings, wodurch der Kite schneller durchs Windfenster fliegt.
Die letzte Stufe des Redesigns bei all unseren Kites sind die Bridles. In diesem Fall haben wir uns für einen ausgewogenen Ansatz entschieden, der die geringen Barkräfte aufrechterhält und gleichzeitig mehr Kontrolle bei unterschiedlichen Anstellwinkeln bietet. Somit ist der Moto V2 ein wesentlich verfeinerter, noch vielseitigerer Kite.
DESIGN PROFILE3 Struts, Hybrid-Design, moderate Aspect Ratio (Streckung), reaktive Wingtips, schnelles, schlankes & effizientes Profil.
Strapazierfähige Schließnähte
Pure Arc Segments – mehr Leading-Edge-Segmente für ein sanft geschwungenes, präzises, aerodynamisches Profil
Pure Profile Panels für effiziente Aerodynamik
Strategisch platzierte Tuchverstärkungen an Bereichen mit erhöhter Belastung & Nano Ripstop Canopy – die Benchmark in Sachen Robustheit, Stabilität und Reaktivität
Direkte, reaktive Steuerung und Feedback sowie geringe Halte- und Steuerkräfte
SIZES: 4 / 5 / 6 / 7 / 8 / 9 / 10 / 11 / 12 / 14
Who is the best rider at your local spot? The one having the most fun.
The Moto X is your ticket to good times. Whether you rider a twin tip or a surfboard, this kite will help you take your kiting to the next level and allow you to have the most fun on the journey.
This Lite Series product gives you the added response and performance created through the utilization of the HTD Lite airframe, tie this in with features such as ISC and Bi Directional Pure Profile Panels, you have a high performance, yet easy to use product.
3 Strut, moderate aspect ratio hybrid design, reactive wing tip, fast, lean and efficient profiles.
HTD Lite: Lightweight ultra rigid Dacron
Low elongation bridle for improved reactive feel
Sprint 3.0
Ultralite bladders for an overall lighter weight kite
Trailing edge EVA rigidity battens
Nano Ripstop Canopy, the benchmark in durability, stability and responsiveness
Bi-directional Pure Profile Panels
Durable TPU Leading edge bumpers
SIZES: 5 / 6 / 7 / 8 / 9 / 10 / 12 / 14
From the evolution of electric vehicles, through to being able to carry a computer in our pockets we are surrounded by innovation, and in the Cabrinha range this is most noticeable in the all-new Moto X.
In what was already the most versatile kite in the range, we have taken the performance to an all-new level through not only the latest material advancements from the Cab Design Works Team, but also a new innovative design from Pat Goodman. A kite that can be flown anywhere, by anyone. A kite that allows you to choose the way you ride. A kite that will take you to the next level of riding.
Disign Profile:
3 Strut, moderate aspect ratio hybrid design, Reactive wing tip, Fast, lean and efficient profiles.
NEW: Refined lightweight canopy design for reduced weight and reactive performance
NEW: Static low elongation bridle for improved reactive feel
NEW: Sprint 3.0
NEW: Ultralite bladders for an overall lighter weight kite
NEW: Trailing edge EVA rigidity battens
Nano Ripstop Canopy, the benchmark in durability, stability and responsiveness
NEW: HTD Lite: Lightweight ultra rigid Dacron
NEW: Bi-direction Pure Profile Panels: the smoothest & 3d correct canopy shape
NEW: Durable TPU Leading edge bumpers
SIZES: 5 / 6 / 7 / 8 / 9 / 10 / 11 / 12 / 14
The longest running and most successful kite in the industry is back for it’s 17th year, and what a year it is. The kite that spawned not only a style of riding but also a whole generation of kiters has evolved into the highest performing Switchblade to date.
Taking the known Switchblade DNA, the creatives in the Design Works team have evolved this 5 strut design through use of new technologies, construction techniques and internal adjustments, to give a more playful, lighter feeling kite, while still remaining predictable and stable. This Lite Series kite utilizes the HTD Lite materials which make this the lightest Switchblade to date. Combined with the Integrated Structural Canopy (ISC) we have been able to greatly reduce the weight of the kite while increasing longevity and improving steering speed.
5 Strut, Hybrid design, Fusion wing tip shape, Draft forward profile, Hybrid strut.
NEW: HTD Lite: Lightweight ultra rigid dacron
NEW: Switchblade DNA, cutting edge handling and performance
NEW: Revised aerodynamic profiles and design
NEW: Lighter and more playful control response
NEW: Bi-directional pure profile panels
Ultralite bladders for an overall lighter weight kite
Trailing edge EVA rigidity battens
Nano Ripstop Canopy: Durability, stability and responsiveness
Sprint 3.0
Durable TPU leading edge bumper
SIZES: 13 / 15 / 17
Threshold winds have always been the toughest challenge to any kite designer. Do you make a powerful kite, but sacrifice turning and playfulness, or do you make a light kite, but sacrifice the low end power that get’s you up and going.
Building off the highly successful Moto X platform with the combination of the materials used in the Apex Series, Pat Goodman was able to skillfully handcraft the perfect blend between power and fun.
The lightweight Ultra HT and the new lighter weight bladders bring down the weight, but also aid in the fun lively feel of the kite.
The Moto XL Apex is the kite you need in your quiver. The ultimate session saver, it will have you coming off the water with that look on your face which makes everyone know just how much fun you had.
3 Strut, hybrid design, low drag wing tips, draft forward profile.
NEW - ULTRA HT - Strong, stable and responsive material, exclusive to the Apex Series
NEW - APEX BRIDLE - Thinner and lower elongation bridle for optimal efficiency and reactive steering
NEW - Feather lite bladders
NEW - Ultra-reactive steering response
NEW - Refined low end performance for better upwind ability
NEW - Contra DNA, modernized Moto agility and handling
NEW - Effortless relaunch in the lightest of wind conditions
Nano Ripstop Canopy, the benchmark in durability, stability and responsiveness
Trailing edge EVA rigidity battens
Durable TPU Leading edge bumpers
NEW - Bi-directional pure profile panels
From first time kite flying, through to a fun way to spend time between on water kite sessions, the Spark is a go to simple to use package.
The ram air design needs no inflation and sets up in minutes. Its two line control system provides a stable and direct method of kite control. Everything you need is included in this compact and simple to use kite package.
Ram air design - no inflation needed
Ultra durable. Heavy duty nylon canopy material. Simplified 2-line bridle
Reinforced cell structure
Mesh covered air vents for profile stability and durability
Stable, forgiving flight characteristics
Color coded wing tips
Alloy control bar with molded end fittings
Line winders and color coded EVA grip
Improved low drag control line for better light wind performance
New dyneema leaders for safety and comfort
Safety wrist leash
No inflation needed.
Heavy duty nylon canopy material.
Profile stability and durability.
Forgiving flight characteristics
Safety and Comfort
Color coded with molded end fittings.
SIZES: 4 / 5 / 7 / 9 / 11
There is something truly liberating and free when riding a Hydrofoil. This is further heightened when you are able to ride in winds that were not previously thought possible. Conditions where the water is still, and the only noise is the apparent wind in your ears as you glide across the ocean.
The Contra Aether has proven its self as a bench mark in the single strut kite realm. A kite that not only allows you explore these threshold winds, but also keeps you in control when the winds pick up, or you change your choice of board.
The single strut design and the use of the Hybrid Frame and HRD Lite materials, gives you an incredibly nimble and light kite to fly, allowing you to use much smaller sizes of product to maximize foil boardings true potential. Feather weight control and amazing drift characteristics allow you focus on your riding and not the kite.
NEW: Refined lightweight canopy design for reduced weight and reactive performance
NEW: Sprint 3.0
NEW: Ultralite bladders for an overall lighter weight kite
NEW: Trailing edge EVA rigidity battens
NEW: HTD Hybrid Frame
NEW: Durable TPU Leading edge bumpers
Nano Ripstop Canopy, the benchmark in durability, stability and responsiveness
Pure profile panels for efficient aerodynamics
Sizes: 5 / 6 / 7 / 8 / 9 / 10 / 11 / 12 / 14
Ein Kite, der die gesamte Essenz des Kiteboardens in sich vereint? Zweifellos der Switchblade!
Die größten Erfolge des Kitesports wurden mit einem serienmäßigen Switchblade gefeiert – sprich mit einem Kite, den man genau so im Shop kaufen kann. Der beste Beweis für die Qualitäten des Switchblade: kompromisslose Highend-Performance, Verlässlichkeit, vorhersehbares Verhalten, Robustheit und einfaches Handling.
Somit ist der Switchblade – wirtschaftlich gesehen – ein Produkt, das man in dieser Form im Profisport nur selten findet. Und Cabrinha die einzige Marke, die es geschafft hat, ein solches Meisterstück zu konstruieren.
DESIGN PROFILE5 Struts, Hybrid-Design, Fusion-Wingtip-Shape, Draft-Forward-Profil.
Strapazierfähige Schließnähte
Nano Ripstop Canopy – die Benchmark in Sachen Robustheit, Stabilität und Reaktivität
High Tenacity Dacron verbessert Profilstabilität und Handling
Strategisch platzierte Tuchverstärkungen an Bereichen mit erhöhter Belastung
Pure Profile Panels für effiziente Aerodynamik
Ultimative Performance bei verschiedensten Fahrstilen und Bedingungen
Enorm hohe Hangtime
Breiter Sweet-Spot-Bereich und gleichmäßige Kraftregulierung „on demand“
Exzellente Höhelaufeigenschaften
Geschwungene Leading Edge für einfachen Relaunch
SIZES: 4 / 5 / 6 / 7 / 8 / 9 / 10 / 11 / 12 / 13
One kite that has become synonymous with Cabrinha is the Drifter. A kite that does what its name says. A kite that allows kiters to experience the power of the ocean, a kite that lets you focus on the job at hand instead about worrying about where it is, or what is doing. With multiple world titles behind it and more barrel time than any other kite in the market, the new Drifter has taken the next evolutionary leap in delivering an expanded ocean experience.
The all-new Lite Frame and HTD Lite material, gives the most reactive Drifter kite to date, allowing you to put the kite where you want it in the air, no matter what style of riding you are doing.
Whether you are taking to the skies for Strapless Big Air, charging down the line on a screaming point break or ripping wind swell, the Drifter will always deliver.
NEW: Refined lightweight canopy design for reduced weight and reactive performance
NEW: Static low elongation bridle for improved reactive feel
NEW: Sprint 3.0
NEW: Ultralite bladders for an overall lighter weight kite
NEW: Trailing edge EVA rigidity battens
Nano Ripstop Canopy, the benchmark in durability, stability and responsiveness
NEW: HTD Lite: Lightweight ultra rigid Dacron
NEW: Bi-direction Pure Profile Panels: the smoothest & 3d correct canopy shape
NEW: Durable TPU Leading edge bumpers
Design Works launches the next generation of Moto X.Starting out with a goal to make the best Big Air Kite with Aluula materials, Pat Goodman quickly changed course and realized that with the use of Aluula, what we learnt on the Nitro and Moto X, as well as where the sport has gone, makes the attributes of a 3 strut kite more suitable than ever. This new Moto X has taken not only Big Air to a new level, but also recreational freeriding. Whether you want a kite to use in a larger wind range, want to jump higher than your friends, or compete on the world big air circuit, the new Design Works Moto X is the next generation kite to get you there.
3 Strut, Moderate Sweep, High Aspect, Lean Profiles, Aluula Composites
NEW: Aluula composite airframe - lightweight, ultra strong, extremely stable and dynamic response.NEW: Lean aerofoil for increased speed and stability across wide range of angles of attack.NEW: Vast wind range, top end stability and extreme Hang Time.NEW: 3-strut design - reduced weight and exceptional steering speed.NEW: High support bridle attachments for increased stability and wind range.NEW: Pure Form Panels - The most accurate and true entry profiles ever created.Integrated Structural Canopy (ISC) - Lightweight reinforcements for reactive and durable canopy.Apex Bridle - thinner and lower elongation bridle for optimal efficiency and reactive steering.Sprint 3.0Trailing edge EVA and composite battens for exceptional TE stability. Nano Ripstop Canopy: durability, stability and responsiveness.
SIZES: 7 / 9 / 10 / 12
Apex noun: the highest point or most successful part of something.
What can you do to an already incredible kite. You give it the Apex treatment.
With a lighter feel and even more playful handling, the Moto X Apex version is a true testament to the Apex Series of kites.
The use of Ultra HT for the main airframe aids in stability, steering and also recovery due to the incredible bias elongation controls. Combine this with the use of the Aero spliced bridle line, and new lighter weight bladders, you have the lightest 3 strut kite in the Cabrinha range to date.
3 Strut, moderate aspect ratio hybrid design, reactive wing tip, fast, lean and efficient profiles.
NEW - ULTRA HT - Strong, stable and responsive material, exclusive to the Apex Series
NEW - APEX BRIDLE - Thinner and lower elongation bridle for optimal efficiency and reactive steering
NEW - Featherlite bladders
NEW - Ultra-reactive steering response
NEW - Bi-directional pure profile panels
Nano Ripstop Canopy, the benchmark in durability, stability and responsiveness
Trailing edge EVA rigidity battens
Sprint 3.0
Durable TPU Leading edge bumpers
Pure profile panels for efficient aerodynamics
SIZES: 5 / 6 / 7 / 8 / 9 / 10 / 11 / 12
Often imitated, but never equaled, the Drifter remains the go to kite for anything to do with waves on directional boards.
As the name suggests, the kite is synonymous with it’s Drift ability. Put it in position and ride down the line, the kite gives you the confidence to concentrate on the wave ahead instead of having to fly the kite.
But the Drifter offers much more than that. The first production kite to be triple looped, the Drifter is also at home in the air.
This Lite Series kite is the most reactive Drifter kite to date, allowing you to put the kite where you want it in the air, no matter what style of riding you are doing.
Whether you are taking to the skies for Strapless Big Air, charging down the line on a screaming point break or ripping wind swell, the Drifter will always deliver.
3-strut, moderate aspect ratio hybrid design. Surf/drift wing tip design.
HTD Lite: Lightweight ultra rigid Dacron
Low elongation bridle for improved reactive feel
Sprint 3.0
Ultralite bladders for an overall lighter weight kite
Trailing edge EVA rigidity battens
Nano Ripstop Canopy, the benchmark in durability, stability and responsiveness
Slackline drift for down-the-line surfing
Durable TPU Leading edge bumpers
Pure profile panels for efficient aerodynamics
SIZES: 7 / 8 / 9 / 11 / 13
Air and style are two words synonymous within the board sport industry. Most people develop their skills to achieve one or both of these terms, but to really master them both, you need a product that will allow you to get there.
A true crossover kite, the FX2 gives riders the tools to take to the sky in the Big Air realm delivering fast powerful loops with amazing catch ability, but with a change of bridle, they then have a no compromise freestyle machine that will allow you to push your limits and the boundaries of what you thought possible.
The new Hybrid Frame and HRD Lite materials have further increased the range of the FX2 to allow for an increased low end range, and also maneuverability in the higher winds and during double loops.
NEW: Refined lightweight canopy design for reduced weight and reactive performance
NEW: Static low elongation bridle for improved reactive feel
NEW: Sprint 3.0
NEW: Ultralite bladders for an overall lighter weight kite
NEW: Trailing edge EVA rigidity battens
Nano Ripstop Canopy: durability, stability and responsiveness
HTD for enhanced arc stability and improved handling characteristics
HTD Hybrid Frame
NEW: Durable TPU Leading edge bumpers
SIZES: 6 / 7 / 8 / 9 / 10 / 12
In 2004 Cabrinha took big air kiting to a new level with the Nitro. A kite that was ahead of its time, it powered riders to the top of the podiums around the world. 19 years later we have broken the boundaries in the big air realm and are bringing it back to our roots.
The Nitro is back. A Pat Goodman design from Cab Design Works, which is the pinnacle of Big Air kiting.
Development was a no holds barred approach to see just what could be created to reach the extremities of height and stability. An Apex series product, the Nitro utilizes the most cutting edge materials, purposely developed for use in inflatable structures to be flown in the extreme demands of big air kiting. With phenomenal warp and weft elongation strength, especially under load, Ultra HT material keeps the kite in a stable arc, but the reactive bias movement allows the kite to turn even when under increased pressure allowing the kite to really fly and recover from loops.
The sport of Big Air kiting is more extreme now than ever before. Tricks, which were individual in the past are now combined into one jump, and the demands on the product have never been higher. To ride to the extremes, you need a kite that will get you there, and the Nitro is that kite.
NEW: Lightweight canopy design for reduced weight and reactive performance
NEW: Sprint 3.0
NEW: Ultralite bladders for an overall lighter weight kite
NEW: Trailing edge EVA rigidity battens
Nano Ripstop Canopy: Durability, stability and responsiveness
NEW: Ultra HT - strong, stable and responsive material, exclusive to the NITRO kite
NEW: Durable TPU leading edge bumpers
NEW: Bi-direction Pure Profile Panels - the smoothest & 3d correct canopy shape.