Start your kiteboarding journey right, make every new trick easier to learn, improve your riding faster and make every session count!
Wenn du neu mit dem Kiteboarding anfängst, sieht es oft alles andere als rosig aus. Lasst uns ehrlich sein, die ersten Sessions sind nicht gerade leicht. Der Wind bläst, das Wasser schlägt Wellen, du musst den Kite und gleichzeitig das Board kontrollieren, es ist einfach sehr viel auf einmal. Deshalb brauchst du etwas, um dir diese ersten Schritte zu erleichtern, ein Board, das dich garantiert gut aussehen lässt. Hier kommt das Gonzales ins Spiel: ein Freeride-Board, das sowohl Beginner als auch fortgeschrittene Anfänger lieben werden. Diese Saison ist es sogar noch leichter, um alle diese ersten Schritte einfacher zu gestalten. Von diesen ersten Wasserstarts bis hin zu etwas schwierigeren Moves, die du lernen willst – alles kein Problem für das Gonzales. Mit einem Medium-Soft-Flex und konkaver Base weist das Board ein unglaublich nachsichtiges Fahrgefühl auf dem Wasser auf und sorgt selbst bei hohem Wellengang für einen seidenweichen Ride. Dank Absorption-Flex-Tips sind sanfte Landungen garantiert und das Carving von Fersen- auf Zehenkante erfolgt butterweich aufgrund der abgerundeten Outline. Ganz egal, wie weit du auf deinem Kiteboarding-Abenteuer fortgeschritten bist, das Gonzales kann dir helfen, in deinem geliebten Sport besser zu werden.
Die verfügbaren Boardgrössen findest Du oben auf dieser Seite!
Das Board wird mit Bindungen, Finnen, Finnenschrauben, Griff und Griffschrauben geliefert
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Wir sind autorisierter TWO.AG Händler und beraten Dich gerne persönlich oder machen Dir ein individuelles Angebot auch für andere Produkte. Freestylerinnen an die Front, ist hier das Motto. Frauen mögen einfach andere Boardabstimmungen als Manner. Das haben wir jetzt jahrelang mit Erfolg beim Aoihana umgesetzt. Das sich ständig erhöhende Fahrkönnen und der aggressivere Stil der Frauen, wie z.B. bei unseren Teamfahrerinnen Heike Wycisk und Anne Valvatne, verlangt nach mehr Leistung beim Pop und auf dem " Am Wind" Kurs. Ohne jedoch den Komfort dabei zu vernachlässigen. Das Heaven (132x39cm) ist das Ergebnis unserer gemeinsamen Entwicklung. Geschwindigkeit, bester Pop und komfortable Landungen sind nun mal keine exklusive Domain für Manner. English: TWO.AG Heaven (132x39cm) complete, NEW Freestyle women to the top! More performance! More pop, more speed, more upwind performance!
Shipment includes:
The board comes with bindings, fins, fin bolts and grab handle (+ accompanying screws)
he full carbon Process C+ is packed with the latest performance-tech materials for ultra-dynamic freeride fun.
Premium full carbon for high-performance freeride
Optimum grip and upwind ability
Smooth landings and superior carving with progressive flex
Reinforced light construction for exceptional control
Equipped with 45mm G10 fins
The Process C+ is a highly advanced full carbon big brother to the Process, and packed with performance enhancements.
While the outline and shape are identical to the Process, the standout features are in the construction on the inside. For Version 4 we revised the flex patterns and made the Super Fly 3D Paulownia wood core thinner to decrease the weight and give more flex. By covering it with a feather-light premium layer of Biax Carbon, the Process C+ allows the rider to hold the edge longer, fully loading the board to act as a catapult when boosting.
The C+ features our highly innovative PRS technology now with thinner rails that enhance speed and ease of upwind travel. The smooth rocker outline planes exceptionally early, while the sophisticated channel layout provides even more grip and control in fierce gusts and howling storms. To ensure the perfect linear flex between the centre and the rails, we kept the thickness of the tips slender and squared off. The result is a faster-turning speed with added responsiveness and pop.
The Process C+ is a favourite choice for the performance-driven freerider looking for a premium ultra-dynamic board.
Wenn man seiner Fantasie freien Lauf lässt, kann man Erstaunliches erreichen. Das Ultraspike SLS ist der Beweis dafür – es ist schlichtweg das beste Lightwind-Twintip, dass du in die Finger bekommen kannst.
Ralf Grösel hat das Konzept für dieses Board letztes Jahr entwickelt und es war ein Riesenhit bei unseren Kunden. Für dieses einzigartige Design wurden alte Vorstellungen komplett verworfen und durch einen radikal anderen Shape ersetzt, der sich als weitaus besser als alles andere auf dem Markt erwiesen hat. Das Board wurde nun mit Textreme Innegra Carbon aufgerüstet. Dieses Material verringert das Gewicht und steigert die Reaktionsfreude des Boards. Wenn du auf der Suche nach dem Board mit der besten Lightwind-Performance auf dem Markt bist, mit dem du auch an Tagen mit schwachem Wind aufs Wasser raus kannst, dann ist dieses Board genau das Richtige für dich. Es ist jedoch weitaus mehr als ein Lightwind-Twintip. Im Gegensatz zu anderen Boards mit „Tür“-Design fühlt sich dieses Board lebendig unter dem Fuß an und ist für alle neuesten Freeride-Tricks geeignet. Außerdem fährst du damit garantiert besser, egal wie schwach der Wind geht. Wenn du ein Board mit absolut ultimativer Lightwind-Performance möchtest, solltest du das Ultraspike SLS auf dem Weg zum Strand im Gepäck haben. Das Feeling unter dem Fuß ist absolut unübertroffen – wirklich einmalig.
SIZES: 133 X 38.5 / 136 X 39.5
The XO is a high performance freestyle / freeride model that is optimized for lighter weights and generally smaller riders.
The flex pattern is softer for a smoother ride and the stance widths are slightly narrower than the rest of our range.
The XO is built on the design platform of our popular ACE model to give it a wide range of performance opportunities.
Tough and lightweight construction
Sized for women
Dynamic pop & low spin weight
Early planing lift & reliable edge hold
Maximum upwind drive
Quad channels in the tips for grip when loading off back-foot
Rail channels for grip
Included with the board:4x 40mm fins, 4x washers, 10xm6x16mm screws, grab handle.
The Alana is the perfect board for female and smaller riders who want to shred. Performance oriented for all-around freeride, freestyle and big air disciplines, and tested by top female Naish riders around the world. The flex pattern, dimensions, and outline have all been rigorously tuned for the needs of lighter riders. Designed narrower than average so riders can utilize better edge control and carve harder, The Alana is perfect for the woman and smaller riders who want a smaller and lighter board with no compromises on shredding abilities.
FTC 2.0 (Flex Torsion Control) Flex Torsion Control boosts rigidity in the axial & torsional axis, allowing for extra control.
Centered Inserts Centered inserts give you the ability to ride both rails and increase longevity.
5.0 cm IXEF FinsAn ultra-high 5.0 cm glass ratio means better grip and upwind performance for your twin tip.
Rounded CornersRounded ends allow for smoother riding and carving, with an improved release.
SIZE (CM): 136x41 | 139x42 | 142x43
2023 NHP board is Nobile flagship model, most universal freeride board in our range. Due to large size range it suits most users. We produce and develop next generations of this model for 10 years now and we recieve positive feedback from all over the globe. NHP performs flawless in all wind and water conditions. Choppy and gusty? Give it a spin and see for yourself hownwell NHP performs in heavy conditions. The asymmetrical shape makes turning and switch riding easier. NHP will be your everyday favourite board.
Set of fins - Click'N'Go G10 55mm
The Riptide in our range of twintips is designed for women who want an all round freeride, freestyle board. We have developed a more flexible and narrower framework, you will now benefit from an enhanced and more comfortable ride. This CNC shaped wood core is equipped with a “Active Backbone”, a so called stringer that runs through the whole board. Together with the 3D shape alongside the rail which reduces the boards torsion, this twintip will put a big smile on your face due to it’s well-known control and comfort.
Key Features:
/ DRS Tech/ Hyperbolic Chassis/ Torque Equalizer/ Active Backbone/ Double Channel/ Double Concave
SLS steht für Strong Light Superior und ist die Ausrüstung, die dich dazu befähigt, deine Grenzen zu überschreiten und kompromisslos nach Spitzenleistungen zu streben.
Das Soleil SLS vereint alle frauenspezifischen Designmerkmale des neuen Soleil in sich und kombiniert sie mit einer SLS-Konstruktion aus Biax Carbon und Textreme Innegra, die unsere Philosophie verkörpert: stronger, lighter, superior. Diese fortschrittlichen Materialien reduzieren nicht nur das Gewicht und verstärken das Board, sondern verbessern auch die Performance – für ein schnelleres, smootheres Fahrverhalten mit mehr Pop. Die schmalere Outline ermöglicht ein leichteres Carven von Rail zu Rail und gibt leichteren Fahrerinnen eine bessere Edge für einen besseren Absprung bei Big Air und Freeride-Tricks. Die größeren Space-Flex-Fenster in den Tips sorgen für ein ruhigeres Fahrverhalten bei Wellengang und die neue asymmetrische Oberseite bietet eine steifere Fersen-Edge, die den Flex berechenbarer macht und beim Kanten und Pop hilft. Das Soleil SLS ist leichter als das Vorgängermodell und lässt sich bei Drehungen in der Luft besser kontrollieren.
Wenn du auf der Suche nach einem fantastischen Freeride-Board bist, das speziell für Fahrerinnen entwickelt wurde und mit Hightech-Performance aufwartet, bist du beim Soleil SLS genau richtig!
Wesentliche Eigenschaften:
Die schlankere Outline, die speziell für Frauen entwickelt wurde, macht das Board einfach zu fahren und gibt dir mehr Komfort auf dem Wasser mit einer ruhigeren Fahrt durch Kabbelwellen.
Das Soleil SLS verwendet eine Biax Carbon und Textreme Innegra Konstruktion, die es leichter, stärker und reaktionsschneller auf dem Wasser macht.
Dieses neue Deck erhöht die Steifigkeit in der Fersenkante des Boards und sorgt für eine linearere und berechenbarere Flexcharakteristik.
Diese Technologie sorgt für ein ruhiges Fahrverhalten und frühes Angleiten und eignet sich auch hervorragend für Carves.
Für die Konstruktion des Soleil SLS wird Biax Carbon verwendet, was die Performance und Reaktionsfähigkeit des Boards weiter verbessert und dir ein extrem dynamisches Fahrverhalten ermöglicht.
Das Design der neuen Soleil´s konzentriert sich auf das Carven, damit du mit Leichtigkeit Rail-to-Rail-Turns in den Wellen oder auf flachem Wasser hinlegen kannst.
SIZE (CM): 138x42 | 142x43 | 146x44 | 150x45
Second season we produce this lightwind/ school model. Thanks to flatter rocker this board handles lighter winds and gives the board very easy start abilities.Due to large range of sizes 134-150cm it can suit most of the begginers, intermediate and heavy weight users.NT5 is a great choice for all weekend riders that want to make the most out of every conditions. If You’re chill ride enthusiast You should give this model a try, it is always good times on our NT5
Fin set - Click'N'Go PA 55mm
The Master C+ is our lightest and most premium carbon performance freeride to freestyle twintip, crammed with innovative features and superior materials.
Premium freeride to freestyle performance with superior construction
Super lightweight and dynamic infused with state of the art carbon
Optimised for disruptive freestyle and Big Air with speed and pop
Highest impact resistance and performance in our range
Equipped with Firefin click in fin system
Design Vision
The Master C+’s disruptive nature allows the rider to shatter any limit, pop harder and boost higher than ever before. It’s our lightest and most performance freeride to freestyle crossover twintip, for riders that demand the ultimate premium experience.
We fused together superior design, unmatched materials, and masterful craftsmanship. The Master C+ features a precision-milled Super Fly 3D Paulownia wood core for significant weight reduction that’s coated entirely with high-tech carbon fibre.
Using superior woven Spread Tow Carbon we get the highest performance out of the carbon fibres, both in stretch and compression. This creates exceptional flex and the highest impact resistance in our board range, for an enhanced riding experience.
The 3-D dome deck and bevelled rails vary the thickness of the edges along the board’s outline allowing the tips to be thinner while increasing stability. This helps the release when popping, and the unidirectional bottom carbon stringer also increases speed and refines flex.
Our highly innovative PRS rails improve upwind travel, cut through chop more comfortably, and enhance speed, while the Multi Stage Rocker with deep tip channels gives better grip. Staying in control and holding the edge is a breeze, even in raging storms.
Now with striking new graphics, the Master C+ is the first choice for ambitious freeride to freestyle riders seeking the highest performance.
Get attracted !
The strapless revolution continues with the MAGNET CARBON V2: Discover a new shape for an even more electrifying and sensational ride. Stunningly lightweight and resistant to the most extreme tricks with its innovative and reinforced construction, this astounding board sticks to your feet at all times and allows effortless and mind-blowing airs.
New shape for even better accelerations, pop, and handling
100% dedicated to strapless freestyle
The lightest strapless kite board ever built
Sticks to your feet
Huge comfort and control thanks to its exclusive slim profile
Ref. 77234-0501
Ein Lightwind-Twintip, dass keine harte Arbeit kennt: Dieses Board wurde für unbeschwerte Performance gebaut, unabhängig von den Bedingungen, die gerade herrschen.
Das Spike ist ein Lightwind-Twintip der etwas anderen Art. Während viele Boards nicht viel mehr als „Türen“ auf dem Wasser sind, ist dieses Board ein Geschoss der absoluten Spitzenklasse. Bei leichtem Wind will niemand hin- und herfahren, nur um zu versuchen upwind zu bleiben. Im Gegenteil, man will bei zehn Knoten genauso viel Spaß haben wie bei zwanzig! Mit dem Spike kannst du diese Träume wahr werden lassen: Die gerade Outline bietet eine riesige Oberfläche für Early Planing, während der medium bis steife Flex dem Board eine schnelle Top-End-Speed und jede Menge Pop verleiht. Damit kannst du alle deine Lieblings-Freeride-Manöver hinlegen, und zwar mit weniger Wind, als du dir hättest vorstellen können. Während deine Kumpel noch am Strand hocken und auf der Suche nach Schaumkronen aufs Wasser starren, bist du schon dabei, deine Linien auf dem Meer zu ziehen und durch die Luft zu schweben. Dank seines nachsichtigen Fahrverhaltens ist auf allen Skill-Leveln für Performance gesorgt und das Board funktioniert einfach, egal ob du ein Beginner oder ein erfahrener Profi bist. Mach dich auf die Fahrt deines Lebens gefasst – mit Windstärken, bei denen du normalerweise am Strand sitzen und auf bessere Tage hoffen würdest. Wenn jeder Tag ein Tag zum Kitesurfen für dich sein soll, dann darf das Spike in deinem Gepäck nicht fehlen.
The Master turns freeride into high-performance freestyle for radical riders seeking powerful big airs and sent handlepass tricks.
Freeride to freestyle performance with advanced construction
Optimised with the best flex, speed, and pop for freestyle
Cuts through chop comfortably
Superior grip and upwind ability
Equipped with 45mm G10 fins
The Master S is dedicated to boosting lighter and smaller riders to land powerful freestyle tricks with ease.
Freeride to freestyle performance designed for lighter riders
Softer flex, more comfort and a narrower stance
Optimised for speed, pop and high-impact resistance
Superior grip and upwind ability
Equipped with 45mm G10 fins
Our renowned shred stick takes on a new form with the Master S, designed to meet the needs of smaller or lighter riders pushing the limits.
Every inch of this board is dedicated to boosting staggering mega loops and stomping technical freestyle tricks. To achieve it we refined the flex pattern and stance without compromising on the celebrated characteristics and performance of the Master.
The Master S unites the best of both worlds in terms of radical freeride and freestyle performance. We fused superior design, unmatched materials, and masterful craftsmanship, and then added a whole bunch of innovative features.
The 3-D dome deck and bevelled rails vary the thickness of the edges along the board’s outline allowing the tips to be thinner. This increases stability as well as helps the board to release when popping. The refined top carbon stringer also improves flex and increases speed. As a result, the Master S pops higher than ever before, giving riders more time to execute freestyle tricks.
Our highly innovative PRS rails improve upwind travel, cut through chop more comfortably, and enhance speed, while the Multi Stage Rocker with deep tip channels gives better grip.
Staying in control and holding the edge is a breeze, even in raging storms. Now with striking new graphics, the Master S is the best board for lighter riders that push the limits looking to powerfully send their tricks.
Game-changing freeride comfort with medium flex
Optimum grip and control in all conditions
Maximum upwind ability
Carbon reinforced for smooth landings and superior carving
Equipped with 45mm G10 fins
Delivering advanced performance year after year, the Process is our top selling freeride board with unique features that spark its popularity. Shaped with the latest high-tech materials, it provides grip in strong gusts, early planing in light winds, and cushions the most vicious chop, making all conditions fun.
For Version 7 the channel layout and depth have been revised for significantly more grip and control when carving, and more bite when popping. The ABS rail material enhances impact resistance, and the unique flex pattern is adapted for each size to add more comfort to the knees.
The Parabolic Rail Shape (PRS) has been reworked to allow for thinner rails for superior carving. The improved grip and upwind ability tackles chop and spray making the Process ultra-playful and dynamic to ride.
The Fly 3D Paulownia wood core is reinforced with a carbon stringer for smooth landings and is now thinner and lighter to provide enhanced flex. New contrasting graphics enhance visibility and complete Version 7 with a razor-sharp look.
Progressing riders will find the Process easy to control, but release the edge and it’ll satisfy seasoned kiters who want to go big.
What a catch!
Discover the amazing world of riding in very light winds with the BIG ONE. With early planing abilities and a grippy footing, this board is incredibly stable and reliable so you can ride at any time in full confidence.
Amazing lightwind performances
Fantastic stability and grip
Very easy control for a locked-in feel
The BIG ONE is fantastic for beginners or riders of a bigger stature, and those wanting a reliable low-wind platform for an easy Twin-Tip session. With its large surface area, this board focuses on grip and control to provide a super stable ride.
The board’s parabolic outline, rounded corners, and tight thin rails make it very intuitive and easy to control.
The deep double concave on the bottom offers great planing sensations and a smooth ride in all conditions. This significant bottom shape gives you a locked-in feel that keeps the board on track.
The extra length and width result in very easy and early planing starts, even at low speed, so you can focus on handling your kite while the board provides the support and edging needed.
The moderate flex allows the board to bend slightly under load. This increases the comfort and makes the board more manageable and less physical to ride. The extra rocker and pulled in tips will also help you get through rougher waters whenever necessary.
The fin positions are offset to maximize grip when the board is edging and for easy upwind performances.
The BIG ONE is available in 160x45cm and 164x48cm. Both sizes are equipped with four UNIBOX 50mm fins, which offer better speed and improved glide thanks to their thinner profile.
Leave your mark !
A true classic in our range, the TRAX is all about having fun on the water. Still based on its legendary heritage, this board continues to offer a unique blend of comfort, performance, and ease of use for the most incredible freeriding sessions.
Amazing freeride and upwind abilities
Rails inspired by HRD technology
Double concave bottom shape
Smooth and comfortable ride no matter the conditions
Ref. 77233-0103
See Further, Ride Further.
The TRAX has a long heritage and is one of the most popular twin tips on the market. It is the ultimate freeride and freestyle board with a unique feeling on the water, offering both speed and comfort. The HRD Rail plays a significant role in the way the board performs, and it sets it apart from everything else out there.
• Ultimate freeride/freestyle board• HRD Rail Technology• Easy to ride – perfect for beginners and experts alike• Smooth and forgiving
Ref. 77233-0103
SIZE (CM): 136x41 | 139x42 | 142x43
2023 NHP CARBON, This is our top of the line twintip. Packed with technology board designed for advanced and intermediate users. Due to carbon layer this board is extremely responsive, which makes it the best machine for flat water sessions. Extra stiffness gives better pop and better edge control. NHP Carbon has great upwind performance, as well as insane pop.
Set of fins - Clinck'N'Go G10 55mm
SIZE (CM): 133x40 | 136x41
2023 NHP WMN is our flagship model dedicated to all Kite Chicks. Universal freeride/ freestyle board shaped for all lighter users and girls. Very universal shape that works well in all conditions. If you’re a kite Girl this is a model you must try.
Set of fins - Clinck'N'Go G10 55mm
Your legendary daily driver !
Known for its super agile and reactive outline, the MITU PRO boards are first and foremost Mitu Monteiro’s own and remain firmly at the top of their game year after year. The MITU PRO FLEX and its HD Foam Flex construction offer the fantastic MITU shape that brings the sensation of a traditional surfboard with incredible versatility and durability for unrivalled comfort and flow on the water.
Super agile and reactive outline
Intuitive and playful in all conditions
Light and predictable ride
Amazing chop handling
Ref. 77234-0102
Discover the amazing world of riding in very light winds with the BIG ONE. You’ll be out on the water before all the other twin-tip riders !
Amazing lightwind performances
Fantastic edging abilities
Very easy control
Outstanding comfort
Ref. 77203-0302
The BIG ONE is the newest addition to the F-ONE twin-tip range and is the perfect lightwind board.Its extra length with moderate width provides very easy and very early sustentation and keeps edging control.
The parabolic outline makes the board very intuitive and easy to control even in the chop.
With its deep double concave on the bottom, the BIG ONE offers great planing sensations and a smooth ride in all conditions
The moderate flex allows the board to bend slightly under load. This increases the comfort and makes the board more manageable and less physical to ride.
The fin positions are offset to get the best grip for easy upwind performances
The board gets on the plane at very low speed and has a very predictable behavior. The rider can focus on his kite handling, the board will provide the support and edging needed.
Available is 160×45 and 164×48 cm, the BIG ONE comes with our 50mm UNIBOX fins.
TRAX HRD Lite Tech
The TRAX has a long heritage and is one of the most popular twin tips on the market. It is the ultimate freeride and freestyle board with a unique feeling on the water, offering both speed and comfort. The HRD Rail plays a significant role in the way the board performs, and it sets it apart from everything else out there.
• Ultimate freeride/freestyle board• HRD Rail Technology• Easy to ride – perfect for beginners and experts alike• Smooth and forgiving
Ref. 77213-0103
HRD CONSTRUCTIONHRD is a unique construction process that allows for the rails of the board to be shaped in 3D. There are three sections to the rail as it runs the length of the board. In the middle of the board, the rail is thin for grip and improved upwind ability, under the feet the rail is inverted and curved like a surfboard rail allowing the board to smoothly track through chop and improving its carving ability. As the rail reaches the tips, it thins out again allowing superior grip and bite to give excellent pop.
LITE TECHThe Lite Tech is an exclusive to F-ONE. Patented by Rossignol Snowboards it integrates a TPU element into the board allowing light to pass right through. It doesn’t offer any performance advantages, but it does look fantastic, and it will help you stand out from the crowd on the water. Available in two graphic versions (men/women), the Lite Tech also looks incredible in photographs, we can’t guarantee extra Instagram likes, but it’s bound to help!
DESIGNThe construction mixes unidirectional and bi-axial fibers at 45° to achieve the best balance in bending and torsion. This results in a board which feels easy to ride at full potential with great comfort.
BEHAVIOUROn the water the TRAX HRD Lite Tech offers a smooth, forgiving ride, the HRD rail eliminates spray and feels very comfortable regardless of the water conditions. The flex has been tuned to provide the optimum pop off the water, and the extra flex in the tips really helps to launch you into the air. When it comes to landings, the wide outline and channelled base combine to smooth things out and allow you to retain control at all times.
PERFORMANCEThe board is so popular because it works for such a wide variety of riders; from experts in freestyle to beginners and everyone in between the TRAX is an excellent choice. Combining early planing, upwind ability and control there is plenty of performance at your disposal when you need it. From flat water to harsh chop the TRAX can handle it, you’ll get a ride like no other.